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Just finished week one with the little angels! Honestly its hard to put into words everything that we've been doing down here because it's so much. I can say this much, however: I literally laugh constantly with my students. They are honest, funny and real. They say what they're thinking and they mean what they say. They work so hard and make me so proud every single day! It amazes me the amount of effort they're giving so that they can be ready to go to second grade and eventually "play college sports" or just go to college in general!

 So here's a little pic update, maybe interspersed with some hilarious 6 year old stories (if you're lucky):

 Our 2nd grade teaching team! 
From left to right, Ms Karpilo, Ms Forster and Ms Delgato
I'm the luckiest because these two ladies are so great to work with and I'm learning so much from them!

These pictures were taken at our community night (pizza with parents) at West Bolivar!

These posters are all over the school. A daily reminder of why we're all here, even when we're going on about 3 hours of sleep and have 3 lesson plans due that we didn't start writing until 11pm..

My corps member advisor made these clipboards for all of us! She's the best! (Shout out to Lis if she reads this--thanks for all of your hard work helping us to become better teachers!)

We're still working on articulating our answers. But I must be doing well since they know that it's math!...lolz, they are literally the cutest and their brains are growing SO MUCH BIGGER ALREADY!! (that's what we tell them every day, and sometimes when things get tough one of them will look at me and say "my brain is getting SO BIG" while doing a little brain exploding motion with their hands...THAT'S WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT.

Funny (and eye-opening) story from Friday:
We're sitting in small groups working on reading and one of my students turns to me and says "Miss Forsta, my daddy say when he get a lotta money he finna buy a PAKOOTER!" [computer]
To which another student responds "It's COM-POO-DA" and they proceeded to practice saying "computer" together, never quite saying it correctly. "COM-PEW-DUH" etc. I literally just sat back and watched the interaction take place because there was nothing of substance I could even contribute besides "He's going to buy a computer?" because they were so into the conversation with each other. 
(and also very eye opening to realize most of my students don't have computers in their homes, since neither of these two did)

Oh and at the end of the day we had reached 25 class points which meant they got a reward, and they love class dance parties, so we were about to have a class dance party when X'Zavier stands up and says "CAN WE DO THE STANKY LEG?" and busts out into the song while doing the stanky leg next to his desk. This, of course, dominos into every single student in our class up doing the stanky leg, including our newest student, Samyrah, absolutely busting it out on the dance floor with her hand on her head and her booty poppin.



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