So Halloween isn't really a thing here....instead All Saints Day (November 1st) is a national holiday where everybody gets work and school off. Except the American students. So that's cool. Good thing we plan on celebrating Halloween in style tonight regardless. :)
Here's a little blog one of our professors sent us about Halloween/All Saints Day in Italy (kinda interesting!):
Just got back from a 10 day backpacking trip around Europe: Portugal, Spain and Prague. So tired. Blogs about those trips to come soon...and lots of pictures of course!
PS....10 days out of Italy=NOT a good thing for my Italian language skills, which are minimal in the first place. This morning when I was basically a zombie leaving my apartment to go to school, I ran into my sweet older Italian neighbor lady and literally just stared at her because I couldn't remember how to say goodmorning in Italian. GOODMORNING. Like the first thing I learned how to say. The thing my professor says to me every morning, first thing. The thing EVERY grocier, baker, store-owner says when you walk into a shop any time before like 2pm, every day. BAAAH I felt stupid. I was running through it in my head like saying it in Spanish and thinking about how I just spent three days in the Czech Republic with absolutely no understanding of the language and I awkwardly stayed silent and running my brain until she finally said Buongiorno. And then I was still confused and mumbled buongiorno and smiled hoping that would make up for it and kept walking. BAAAAAAAAHHHH embarrassing. LANGGUUUAAAGGEEE BARRIERRSSSS
story of my life.
Here's a little blog one of our professors sent us about Halloween/All Saints Day in Italy (kinda interesting!):
Just got back from a 10 day backpacking trip around Europe: Portugal, Spain and Prague. So tired. Blogs about those trips to come soon...and lots of pictures of course!
PS....10 days out of Italy=NOT a good thing for my Italian language skills, which are minimal in the first place. This morning when I was basically a zombie leaving my apartment to go to school, I ran into my sweet older Italian neighbor lady and literally just stared at her because I couldn't remember how to say goodmorning in Italian. GOODMORNING. Like the first thing I learned how to say. The thing my professor says to me every morning, first thing. The thing EVERY grocier, baker, store-owner says when you walk into a shop any time before like 2pm, every day. BAAAH I felt stupid. I was running through it in my head like saying it in Spanish and thinking about how I just spent three days in the Czech Republic with absolutely no understanding of the language and I awkwardly stayed silent and running my brain until she finally said Buongiorno. And then I was still confused and mumbled buongiorno and smiled hoping that would make up for it and kept walking. BAAAAAAAAHHHH embarrassing. LANGGUUUAAAGGEEE BARRIERRSSSS
story of my life.