General Mental Health Awareness Resources (linked below): National Institute of Mental Health Mental Health America Brain and Behavior Research Foundation National Alliance on Mental Illness National Eating Disorders Association Brain and Behavior Research Foundation Donor Drive (in honor of Ryan P. Johnson) Myths v. Facts of OCD: International OCD Foundation
There’s not a lot about life that I know 100% to be true, but this I know for sure: I am not a quitter. No matter how bad things have gotten and no matter how much I hate something, I have never once given up and walked away. I pride myself on the fact that I stay in the rubble, fight my way out, and do whatever I can to lead others forward with a solution. For the past five years and three months, I’ve sacrificed my mental and physical well-being for what I believed in. No matter how hard it got, or how badly I wanted to, I never quit. I made commitments to those kids, and I followed through with them. Until now. I’m 27 years old, it’s September of my 6th year of teaching, and I quit. I’m 27 years old. In my SIXTH YEAR of teaching. And I’m burnt out. You heard me. I burnt out at TWENTY SEVEN. To tell you the truth, I was completely burnt out at 26. By the end of my fifth year of teaching, I was re-considering everything I’d ever wanted in my life. I questioned why I ev...